THE HUMAN BRAIN - English Course

The Most Complex Object In The Known Universe

Our brain is the most powerful and valuable object we will ever possess. Understanding how it works may just be one of the most useful things you will ever learn. Let's discover the three main parts; our reptilian brain, our monkey brain and our rational thinking cortex brain. We will also examine the brain at the micro level, discussing the role of neurons, neural networks and neuroplasticity, and how this shapes who we are. 


➜ Understand the major parts of the brain and some of their most important functions.

Have a basic understanding of neurons, neural networks and neuroplasticity.

Have a basic foundation of knowledge about the brain in order to learn more and discuss related subjects such as the mind, ego, self and consciousness. 

>>> Learn #87 new words and phrases highlighted on the vocabulary list for this lesson.

This lesson is workshop #3 of the Intrinsic 21 English Course.