With education you can change a life


School of Duda is an online language school for curious people with a thirst for knowledge. If you love learning languages, discovering and sharing ideas, then become a part of our community of students from around the world.


“We cannot teach people anything. We can only encourage them to discover the world; both outside and within.” Galileo Galilei

Languages cannot be taught, they can only be learnt. Languages are not objects to be studied, they are living things, alive! They must be experienced and acquired. They must be lived. Learning languages should always be a pleasure! We show our students the way to do this.

The mission is not only to help students learn languages, but also to enable them to develop, educate and grow themselves as individuals. As we believe that a person who is informed and multilingual is more tolerant, more flexible and more curious. It is neither cliche nor redundant to say that the education of each and everyone of us, as well as society in general, can change the world and create a more positive future for humanity.


James is passionate about languages, education & coffee. With over a decade of experience as a teacher, he is proud to have helped hundreds of students with his original approach and authentic British style. His vision for School of Duda is to create the learning experience, content and community that he always wished existed for language learners.


Over the last 20 years James has been learning languages while creating, testing and refining his methodology. His focus is find essential knowledge from the world's greatest thinkers and make it accessible for non-native English speakers. Through experiencing authentic content, students can practise and deepen their comprehension, listening, reading & pronunciation skills - while learning about practical and meaningful subjects.

James WJ Sutton : British English Teacher